Sanjay Dutt Sadak Movie Picture. The Kalank actor waved at the paparazzi and asked them pray for his health. He is the recipient of several awards including two Filmfare Awards and three Screen Awards.
Masuzi June 19 2020. Sanjay Dutt was snapped with his wife Maanayata Dutt on Tuesday August 18 at their home in Mumbai. Masuzi January 12 2020.
Masuzi January 12 2020.
Manav Manglani Sanjay Dutt who was last seen in Panipat was seen in a blue kurta. Sadak 1991 Super Hit Sanjay Dutt And Pooja You. Sadak 1991 Super Hit Sanjay Dutt And Pooja You. Pooja mentioned in her caption that this was not her first rodeo with Sanjay as Sadak 2 will be Sanjay Dutts second movie with Pooja Bhatt.