Sanjay Dutt Sister. Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt has been troubled by his family and fans since the news of lung cancer surfaced. Actor Sanjay Dutt who has been in-and-out of the hospital due to some medical treatment shared a birthday post for his sister Priya Dutt whom his wife Maanyata described as the incredible.
In 2009 the actors sister Namrata insulted Sanjays then-girlfriend in public and was quoted as saying She Maanayata is. Nargis Dutt is one of the most remarkable actors to grace the Indian screen. Priya Dutt also revealed some interesting things about her.
Nargis Dutt is one of the most remarkable actors to grace the Indian screen.
The actor arrived at his home in Mumbai from Kokilaben Hospital with his sister Priya Dutt on Wednesday. Sanjay Dutt has returned home after defeating cancer. In 2009 the actors sister Namrata insulted Sanjays then-girlfriend in public and was quoted as saying She Maanayata is. While fans have been widely appreciating their work on a large scale Sanjay Dutts real-life sister Namrata Dutt is reportedly unhappy with the casting of her parentsWhen she was asked about.