Sanjay Dutt Son Picture. On July 12 2021 Shabana Azmi took to her Twitter handle and shared a stunning picture from the day when fabled actor late Sunil Dutt had introduced her to his son Sanjay Dutt for the first time. Sanjay and Maanayata Dutt took their twins home from Breach Candy hospital yesterday 18th Nov 2010.
As Sanjay Dutt is getting treated for his cancer on the other hand his wife Maanayata Dutt keeps sharing some positive and motivational posts on her Instagram account. Look at the Sanjay Dutt images Sanjay Dutt pictures Sanjay Dutt wallpapers and more PinkVilla. Find out the latest pictures still from movies of Sanjay Dutt.
The babies first outing was in mom Maanyatas and aunt Priyas arms.
Actor Sanjay Duttwho was recently diagnosed with lung cancer has flown to Dubai to spend time with his children. The superstar looks frail in his recent picture shared by a fan. Sanjay son of late actor Sunil Dutt. Actor Sanjay Duttwho was recently diagnosed with lung cancer has flown to Dubai to spend time with his children.