Sanjay Dutt Twins. Bollywood star Sanjay Dutt congratulates Sheikh Hamdan on becoming father of twins. She uploaded a picture of her with the two on her Instagram where all of them are surrounded by balloons and are wearing clothes that are in tones of yellow which seems to be the dress code of the celebration.
Sanjay Dutt shows off bleached hair in new family photo with Maanayata twins Shahraan and Iqra Sanjay Dutt introduced fans to his new look in a. Maanayata is overjoyed with her babies celebrating their double-digit birthday. It was in 2010 that Sanjay Dutt and Maanayata Dutt had welcomed twins in their life whom they have named Iqra and Shahraan.
Shahraan Dutt having 4 post total on Instagram including one reel while Iqra Dutt having 3.
Bollywood star Sanjay Dutt congratulates Sheikh Hamdan on becoming father of twins. Bollywood star Sanjay Dutt congratulates Sheikh Hamdan on becoming father of twins. Dutts kids who are currently in Dubai were accompanied by mom Maanayata. Maanayata is overjoyed with her babies celebrating their double-digit birthday.