Sanjay Dutt Wife Manyata History. After two years of marriage on October 21 2010 the couple welcomed their twins Shahraan and Iqra Dutt. After her launch in Kamaal Rashid Khans Deshdrohi she was given the screen name Maanayata but her aspirations to become a star ended when her father died leaving the responsibility of the family business on her.
Family members were not happy with Sanjay and Manyatas marriage. She is the CEO of production house Sanjay Dutt Productions. Of Sanjay Dutt Productions.
The doting wife had come to Mumbai immediately after knowing that her husband had diagnosed with lung cancer.
The beautiful Manyata Dutt had an amazing time vacationing with her children Shahraan and Iqra in Italy and now the lady has moved the holiday fun ahead to France. Sanjay Dutt who was missing at the first lag of her vacation has joined Manyata in France and the couple is having a. Sanjay Dutt and Manyata Dutt got married in the year 2008 and let us tell you that Sanjay is 20 years older than Manyata. She is best known for her item number in Prakash Jhas 2003-hit Gangaajal.