Sanjay Dutt's Gujarati Friend In Real Life. Sanju the biopic based on Sanjay Dutt particularly drew attention to his lesser-known best friend character called Kamli or Kamlesh in the film. In the film Vicky is seen playing the role of Ranbir Sanjay Dutt friend.
Kamlis real name is Paresh. SanjayDutt fondly refers him as Parya. Sanju Movie Real Characters - Sanjay Dutt Actor.
Munna Bhai M friend zubin mistri zubin mistri who is the villain of sanju jim sarbh role in sanju mov.
Kamlis real name is Paresh. Sanjay Dutt AKA Sanju Baba is known for his versatile roles in Bollywood. Sanju Movie Real Characters - Sanjay Dutt Actor. Munna Bhai M friend zubin mistri zubin mistri who is the villain of sanju jim sarbh role in sanju mov.