Talaash Hindi Film Movie Akshay Kumar Kareena Kapoor. The following year she appeared in five films including the romance Mujhe Kucch Kehna Hai. Talaash-2003-New-Indian-Movie-Part 51-Akshay Kumar-Kareena Kapoor-Pooja Batra-Gulshan Grover-Shakti Kapoor-A-Status.
Apart from Akshay and Kareena the movie also stars Pooja Batra Raakhee Kabir Bedi Gulshan Grover and Shakti Kapoor. Kareena Kapoor Khan also known and credited as Kareena Kapoor. Akshay Kumar Kareena Kapoor Pooja Batra Rakhee Gulzar Kabir Bedi and Raj BabbarSi.
Akshay Kumar Kareena Kapoor Pooja Batra Rakhee Gulzar Kabir Bedi and Raj BabbarSi.
Soon he vows revenge and sets out on a mission to find his s. For users in USA use the code SMDIWALI to get 40 off on ShemarooMe apphttpsshemaroomeapplinkl5WBbkVF40 Take part in the following survey and one lu. Talaash was an Action thriller movie. Video courtesy - Mix Masala.