Talash Film Akshay Kumar Kareena Kapoor Ka. Suneel DarshanTune Kaha Jab Se Haan. Arjun Akshay Kumar is a high profile vigilante who soon encounters a problem when his mother Raakhee becomes terribly ill.
Akshay and Kareena are in their prime and look great. Directed by Abbas Alibhai Burmawalla Mastan Alibhai Burmawalla. 00010 - Rabba Pyar Se Mila De00455 - Dil Le Gaya Pardesi01037 - Yaar Badal Na Jaana01514 - Bhangra Pa Le01957 - Masoom Chehra02444 - Zindagi Se J.
Suzahnna Reviewed in the United.
Directed by Suneel Darshan. Thousands of YouTube videos with English-Chinese subtitles. Alka Yagnik ShaanMusic Director. Arjun grows up to be a high-profile vigilante after his fathers murder and sisters abduction.