Yaadein Hindi Movie Hrithik Roshan Kareena Kapoor Jackie Shroff. The story revolves around Raj Singh Puri father of three daughters and who works for the Malhotras. Udit Narayan Alka Yagnik Hema Sardesai Kavita Krishnamurthy Music.
Raj Singh Puri is best friends with LK. Presenting you the video song of Kuch Saal Pehle sung by HariharanTitle. Jackie Shroff Hrithik Roshan Kareena Kapoor Director.
Yaadein was a box office disappointment and the.
Yaadein is a 2001 Hindi romantic drama film starring Hrithik Roshan Kareena Kapoor and Jackie Shroff. Yaadein -Title Track Male VersionSinger. The movie cast Hrithik Roshan Kareena Kapoor Khan and Jackie Shroff as the lead characters. Presenting you the video song of Kuch Saal Pehle sung by HariharanTitle.