Aitraaz Hindi Film Akshay Kumar Priyanka Chopra Kareena Kapoor. Aitraaz opens with a love story explaining how Raj Malhotra Akshay Kumar meets and marries Priya Kareena Kapoor a girl who starts out to become a legal secretary accidentally becomes a maid and eventually marries engineer Raj. Kareena Kapoor Khan has featured in numerous successful multi-starrer films with big banners.
Priyanka Chopra early in her acting career dabbled a negative character in Abbas-Mastans Aitraaz. Akshay Kumar Kareena Kapoor Priyanka Chopra Paresh Rawal Amrish Puri Annu Kapoor Abbas-Mustan Subhash Ghai. Action kaushal moses.
Aitraaz opens with a love story explaining how Raj Malhotra Akshay Kumar meets and marries Priya Kareena Kapoor a girl who starts out to become a legal secretary accidentally becomes a maid and eventually marries engineer Raj.
The film starred Priyanka Chopra Jonas in a negative role for the first time along with Akshay Kumar and Kareena Kapoor Khan. Alka Yagnik by Akshay Kumar Lara Dutta Priyanka Chopra From Andaaz Hindi Movie Magic Bollywood Indian Collection. For the film the Baywatch actor received several accolades too. To this the global icon.