Kareena Kapoor Bollywood Actress Photos. Indian Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor poses for a photo during the Launch of Filmfare magazine in Mumbai on September 9 2013. Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan welcomed their second son Jeh in February this year.
Check out the Latest Kareena Kapoor Khan Hot Bikini Photoshoot Pictures in HD. Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor Khan who welcomed her second son on February 21 2021 had shared an adorable picture of her newborn son along with Saif Ali Khan and Taimur. AFP PHOTO STR Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor poses during the unveiling of the Vaio E Series Go Vivid laptops in Mumbai on June 8 2010.
Born in the limelight to veteran actors Randhir Kapoor and Babita Kareena is a part of the famous Kapoor khandaan who is often credited with laying the foundation of Hindi cinema.
Two pictures in a collage have went viral on social media where both Taimur and Jeh and different pictures were seen cuddling with their mommy Bebo. Check out the Latest Kareena Kapoor Khan Hot Bikini Photoshoot Pictures in HD. BOLLYWOOD QUEEN KAREENA KAPOOR SEXY PHOTOS. Take a look at the sexiest Kareena Kapoor in bikini photos that will surely make you fall in love with her.