Kareena Kapoor Jab We Met Images. She took a stroll down memory lane and shared a picture from the 1980s with her sister-actor Karisma Kapoor along with mother Babita from one of their Christmas. Akeli ladki khuli tijori ki tarah hoti hai 4.
When We Met is a 2007 Indian romantic comedy film written and directed by Imtiaz Ali and produced by Dhilin Mehta. Fans have been going all out to comment on all things nice and happy on the post. Directed by Imtiaz Ali.
Punch We Met chief Imtiaz Ali additionally trusted on the image temporary fad sharing the whole scene from the film.
5 Reason Why You Should Look Up To Kareena Kapoor Khan As Your. Jab koi pyaar mein hota hai tab koi sahi galat nahi hota 5. Instagram Mumbai Maharashtra India October 26 ANI. Jab We Met 2007 Hindi in HD.