Kareena Kapoor Khan Children. It was in December 2016 when Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan had embraced parenthood with the arrival of their son Taimur Ali KhanFour years later Kareena and Saifs firstborn Taimur became a big brother when the couple welcomed their second child. However back then Saif Ali Khan had told Mumbai Mirror My wife and I love the sound of it and we love its meaning.
Actress Kareena Kapoor Khan will share her mothers journey in a book called Pregnancy Bible. On February 21 Kareena welcomed her second child a child boy. The actress will probably be sharing her motherhood journey within the e-book titled Kareena Kapoor Khans Being pregnant Bible.
Baby duties were initially a struggle for Kareena who is now 4 years Taimur Ali Khan and 4 months Jah mother of two boys.
Kareena Kapoor Khans second baby with husband Saif Ali Khan named Jeh has been revealed and we cannot keep calm. On February 21 Kareena gave birth to her second child. Anzeige Neue DVDs jetzt vorbestellen. Baby duties were initially a struggle for Kareena who is now 4 years Taimur Ali Khan and 4 months Jah mother of two boys.